How to organise my kitchen: A comprehensive guide

Kitchen organisation is a daunting task. But the space-, time- and money-saving gains you’ll make will be more than worth it once you’re done. Here's a quick guide covers all the basics for decluttering, cleaning and organising your kitchen.

3 years ago   •   3 min read

By Anabel Ang

Kitchen organisation is a daunting task. From battling the pans that cascade out every time you open the cupboard to reckoning with whatever’s lurking in the dark depths of your pantry, it takes guts. But the space-, time- and money-saving gains you’ll make will be more than worth it once you’re done. Ready to give it a go? This quick guide covers all the basics for decluttering, cleaning and organising your kitchen.

Start by decluttering the kitchen

Before you start your kitchen organisation and cleaning, you need to get rid of items you don’t need or use. This involves emptying every cubbyhole. Go cupboard by cupboard to make the task more approachable. Throw out or recycle broken appliances and out-of-date food. Donate equipment and food you’ll never use. Set aside items you want to keep in categories, such as dry goods, cans, baking equipment, and so on – this helps you identify doubles and makes organisation easier.

Carry out a kitchen deep clean

Dirt and grease build-up is unavoidable in kitchens. Stay on top of it by doing a deep clean of all cupboards, drawers and counters while they are empty. A cloth and spray will work for basic cleaning – be sure to get into the corners, and up the inner-sides, outsides and handles. Tackle greasy spots with warm water and dishwashing liquid. Remove scuffs using a baking soda and warm water solution.

As well as cleaning the cabinets, oven and refrigerator, be sure to wash any plates, pans and appliances that have been neglected. Also check if any food items, like flour or sauces, are leaking so you can clean and seal them to avoid creating extra mess.

Organising the kitchen

Once you’ve got rid of everything you no longer need and your kitchen is squeaky clean, you can begin the fun part: kitchen organisation. Rather than diving right in, start with a strategy.

  • Kitchen organisation is best approached in zones, with items grouped together logically. Consider the flow of your kitchen – for example, group your kettle, mugs, tea and coffee in an area close to the sink, or your pots, pans and spatulas close to the oven.
  • Stick to lower cabinets for heavy items like your rice cooker, as this makes them easier and safer to access. Eye-level cupboards are best reserved for food, so you can quickly see what you have – keep healthy items towards the front to encourage better eating habits.
  • To keep things extra organised, try to face all labels forward and keep items closest to their expiry date towards the front.
  • Lesser used items, like special occasion glassware or seasonal items, can be kept at a higher level. If you’re short on space, you can also consider storing these items in the attic or self-storage until you need them again. Only keep your most attractive and most used items on the counter – these can be placed in trays or baskets for visual appeal and to make cleaning easier.

The best organisers for kitchen cabinets

These organisers for kitchen units help make your items more accessible while maximising space and making cabinets easier to clean.

  • Baskets allow you to group similar items and move them in one go when you need to reach items further back – be sure to label them so you know what’s what.
  • Stackable tupperware keeps opened food fresh while saving space.
  • Rotating spice racks keep small pots organised and easy to find.
  • Plate racks prevent damage to your crockery and make access easier.
  • Shelf risers maximise cupboard space by adding shelves.
  • Vertical slot dividers keep pans organised.
  • Hanging pot racks and magnetic knife holders free up cupboard and drawer space.
  • Hooks and hanging baskets utilise the backside of cupboard doors.
  • Glass jars can be used to store sugar, coffee, and pasta, helping to keep your cupboards uniform and orderly.

Whichever kitchen organisation tools you choose, make sure that the systems you implement are practical, otherwise you’re unlikely to keep them up.

Need extra space in your kitchen?

If you’re short on kitchen space and have items you seldom use but can’t bear to part with, Space Next Door has storage spaces conveniently located across Singapore.

Check out our website to find out more.

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