The Ultimate Guide To Self Storage

We all long for a clean and organised space in which to live, work and relax. Unfortunately, with new homes in Singapore getting smaller each year and ever-increasing office rental rates, that’s not a reality for many.

More and more people are turning to self storage in Singapore to easily and safely store extra furniture, out-of-season clothing, business stock overflow and much more. These storage spaces allow people to declutter their homes while knowing that Auntie Huan’s dining set is secure and the family’s treasured photos are safe.

Sound like something you could use? There are many things to consider when choosing a self storage unit to hold your important items. But once you know what you need, you can rent space online in minutes and begin transferring your items the same day.

What is self storage?

Self storage can include a number of different kinds of rentable spaces. They range from small lockers to rooms the size of a large apartment. They can be housed in code-protected facilities, drive-up garage bays or even moveable containers.

Singaporeans use self storage for a number of purposes. Business or family home downsizing, storing household items during home renovations, keeping family heirlooms safe and more.

What to consider before renting

The first thing to decide is how much space you need. Remember, storage spaces are not organised like homes. Items can be stacked on top of each other from floor to ceiling, making the most of the space while still allowing airflow to protect your treasured items.

If you only want to store seasonal clothing, you might choose a space of five square metres – unless you have a particularly impressive wardrobe. But if you’re storing overstock for your trendy Orchard Road boutique, you’re going to need more space.

Duration is also something to take into consideration. Storage facilities of the past might strong-arm customers into signing long contracts, but the industry is more flexible today. Modern storage facilities like Space Next Door are happy to accommodate weekly, monthly or even daily self storage rentals and let you book your space online quickly.

The final important item to take into account is accessibility. How often do you need to access your stored items? Accessibility is a premium feature, so if you’d like to move things in or out regularly, look for a space with 24/7 access. Alternately, you may be able to get a better deal if you are storing items you rarely need to access.

Once you’ve made these decisions, you could be just hours away from your new, decluttered life.

Consider Space Next Door for your storage needs

Space Next Door is a forward-thinking company moving away from the traditional self storage business model. Instead of requiring clients to request a quote and make an appointment to visit the facility and sign a contract, we offer the ability to book self-storage space online and begin moving your items the same day.

Of course, if you’d like a quote, a detailed explanation of our services or a tour of the facility, we’re always happy to meet with you. We have a full support staff and sales team that are ready to answer your questions.

Space Next Door offers convenience, modernity and customer support. Visit us today or book and pay for your self storage space online. Our detailed descriptions, easy to understand prices and competitive contracts make finding your perfect space a breeze.

Book now and start storing your things today.